Easy-to-Read Signs around Shanghai
I was recently walking around Shanghai near the Bund (west side of the river), and realized that a lot of the sign names there are super beginner-friendly. This is actually kind of rare, so it’s worth pointing out.
Here’s one for you, beginners!

A few notes:
- Having the cardinal directions (东、南、西、北) on the street signs is actually super useful. I use this constantly while walking around, and it’s actually pretty hard to get lost (even what your phone is dead!).
- I didn’t realize this when I first came to China, but a ton of street names in many cities are just names of other cities in China. So you might assume for a long time that a street name like 九江路 is some kind of poetic “nine rivers street” made up for Shanghai, but no. You’d be wrong. Jiujiang is a city name.
Ive found that Lots of North/South roads are named after Provinces. East/West tend to be cities.
Wow, very interesting! I never noticed that.
There are way too many north-south roads to assign them all to provinces though, and off the top of my head I can think of 常德路 and 胶州路, which are also north-south but based on city names.