Fake Lu Xun Quotes on a Truck
So I was strolling down the street in Shanghai, and passed this big crane truck parked on the sidewalk:

Then also noticed that it had this “Lu Xun quote” on it (which is kinda unusual for a truck):

In Chinese text, that would be:
*鲁迅 (not really)
In English, that would be:
Originally it made money, but then too many people started doing it. It slowly changed from making money to serving the people.
Pretty unusual quote for the side of a truck, right? Some kind of weird brag about service attitude and not caring about money?
Well, that’s not really a real Lu Xun quote. There’s a similar Lu Xun quote that goes like this:
Translated to English (and somewhat simplified):
Hope is like a path in the countryside. Originally, there is nothing, but as people walk this way again and again, a path appears.
Lu Xun
Oh, and also the quote on the truck uses “de” wrong (“慢慢的” should be the adverbial “慢慢地”).
Yeah, Shanghai has some mean streets… fake Lu Xun quotes and bad grammar, right there on the sidewalk. Look out!