Wan Hui, the Anhui Character Party
The name of this restaurant is Wan Hui: 皖荟. It’s a pun on the word 晚会, which is sort of like “evening party” (or dinner).

皖 stands for Anhui Province, and is also one of the “8 great” types of Chinese cuisine. 荟 here calls to mind the word 荟萃, a flowery word for “assembly.”
This restaurant in Shanghai’s Changning Raffles City ( 长宁来福士广场) is not mind-blowing, but it’s still pretty special. Cool atmosphere.
I like these character fragment decorations on the walls:

The dry ice and purple lights are a cool contrast to the traditional Anhui-style walls:

As for the food, ummm, it’s OK, I guess? I’m not much of a 吃货 (foodie).