A Revamped Newsletter Approach
I’ve never pushed signing up for a newsletter, but since Sinosplice is only updated once or twice a week, I know it can be hard to keep track of posts on here or remember to check. Not everyone likes the “subscribe to blog via email” option because one email for each blog post can be too much.
I’ve had an AllSet Learning newsletter for a while, but since it’s focused mainly on product announcements, it’s been fairly infrequent in the past.
I’ve decided to do something different, though. I’m combining a sort of bi-weekly “Sinosplice blog post digest” with the AllSet Learning product newsletter and adding some other stuff in as well:
- Recent Sinosplice blog posts
- Recent You Can Learn Chinese podcast episodes
- Recent AllSet Learning blog posts and free study materials
- New AllSet Learning product announcements and promo
For anyone who enjoys this blog, it should be a meaty, useful read, released roughly every two weeks.
The signup in the sidebar of the Sinosplice website is for the same newsletter as the signup on the AllSet Learning website.

Sign up and keep the useful Chinese learning-related content coming to your inbox!