You Can Learn Chinese (Podcast)
At the end of 2013 I left ChinesePod and podcasting in general. I haven’t missed it too much. Those podcasts were a ton of work to get right, and I’m happy to tackle the problem of learning Chinese from different angles with different approaches at AllSet Learning.
In 2019, though, it looks like I’m doing a podcast again! This time it’s with my partner at Mandarin Companion, Jared Turner, and it’s called the You Can Learn Chinese podcast.

This podcast is about learning Chinese; it doesn’t teach Chinese. And while it may sound like it’s for beginners, learners of all levels should get something out of it. As the name suggests, it’s also more motivational and conceptual than technical. For example, rather than talking about how to set up Pleco or Anki for optimal flashcard review sessions, we might talk about how flashcards can be a useful tool but are not a one-size-fits-all method, and you can learn Chinese without going full-on flashcard crazy.
Here are some of the things I like about this podcast:
- Produced and managed by Jared and not me (Yay, I’m lazy!)
- Lots of guests, sharing a wide range of experiences learning Chinese (some to very high levels)
- I get to talk about certain academic topics a bit (but no thesis writing!)
- It’s kind of cool to be behind the mic again, but with less work pressure
Anyway, if you’re interested at all, please check out the You Can Learn Chinese podcast and let me know what you think. It’s new and still evolving.
Hooray, John! You were such a terrific podcaster, I’m excited for you to be podcasting again!
Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to some fun conversations.
Enjoyed the podcast so much! I think it’s a great marketing tool. I like your two voices, and enjoyed the content.
Loving the podcast! Really excited about the possibility of a WeChat community alongside the podcast content.
Thanks! Are you already in the WeChat group? If not, email me, and I’ll get you added in.