The Intermediate Chinese Grammar Wiki Book is out!

The Intermediate Chinese Grammar Wiki Book is available:
It’s really been a ton of work editing, rewriting, and reworking all kinds of intermediate grammar points for the new book. The result, however, is both a solid book and better wiki content. If you want to support the wiki, please buy the book! (If you don’t need another stack of paper, I highly recommend the ebook. The instant search alone is really great.)
Special thanks to Chen Shishuang for all the work she did on the B1 grammar points, beginning years ago (not just one). (I bet there were times she wondered if the book was ever really coming out!)
AllSet staff Li Jiong and Ma Lihua were amazing proofreaders, and intern Jake Liu was quite a trooper as well. I also need to give a shout-out to wiki user extraordinaire Benedikt Rauh, who caught quite a few errors and emailed them in over the course of 2018.
Our designer Anneke Garcia did an awesome job on the cover. (If you need design services, I can put you in touch.)
For me, one of the best things about finishing a massive book like this is that I don’t have to work on this book anymore. (Maybe I have a tiny inkling of how George R. R. Martin feels?? Ha!) Sure, I love me some intermediate grammar, but there are so many other projects I can’t wait to dig into. 2019 is going to be a great year for AllSet Learning.
Now for some Christmas vacation…
Hi John, well done on the next book release. Is there a way for those in mainland China to order a physical copy of the book from you, other than through Amazon?
Not yet, but I’m working on resolving that!
Congrats AllSet team —
Ordering mine now!
Thanks, Stew!
Hi John, can the Chinese characters in the Kindle edition of the Intermediate book be easily converted from simplified to traditional?
Still listening to your episodes of a certain podcast from quite a while ago. Best Chinese learning resource I ever did find!
well done on the next book release. Is there a way for those in Nigeria to order a physical copy of the book from you, other than through Amazon
Amazon is the only way for now. If you’re in China, there may be another way. Email me!
Not available as kindle on Amazon or your