I’ve been reading my friends’ blogs through Google Reader for a while now, so I don’t often actually go to their sites. I just visited Micah’s site today for the first time in a long time, and I was impressed. This site design is genius! And it really perfectly suits Micah’s eclectic-aggregated blogging style.
Well done, Micah. Well done.
really impressive! I wish this is something like a template so people can use it to their own site. i really need one!
It’s pretty much a personal, more detailed, customizable facebook profile. Which is pretty rad.
This is cool…very cool. Great job, Micah. Hopefully nobody comes along and steals his idea and takes the credit….now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to rebuilding my site so that it looks just like https://www.sinosplice.com.
Hah, well, at least he didn’t copy Myspace.
The feed format is excellent. Looking like Facebook, not so much. But yeah, it’s a good way to pull different kinds of blogging and presence information together.
I dunnow – it’s great if I want to keep exact tabs on what he’s up to (personally, even my parents would lose interest keeping that close a track), but I liked the page better before – his articles are interesting and deserve to take precedence over a report on what he listened to on last.fm.
Omg, no wonder John calls it Micahbook, lol. Awesome! (but one little question: Is this a blog or sole SNS? :P)
Thanks for the kind words, John
Regarding the Facebook look: my brother is one of the lead designers for Facebook so the look was sorta a jab at him. He got a kick out of it, and proceeded to point out some places where I was off by a pixel or two, hehe.
Regarding the concept, of course it was invented by Facebook (as far as I know) but it’s really catching on outside of the “walled garden” as well. LM Orchard did a DIY version pretty early on; there is a plugin for the new Movable Type Open Source that does the same thing; and there are now websites like FriendFeed and Escaloop where you simply submit your usernames, and they will build a feed for you.
Finally re: Jeffrey D’s comment, actually my own reaction to using the new site for a couple months is closest to yours. I’ll probably be going back to a layout more similar to the old one in the next month; I’m been getting lazy about writing because I find myself thinking “well, I listened to a song on Last.fm so I don’t have to blog tonight.”