SpanishPod Has Arrived
A while back I wrote about studying Spanish again. Well, I have a little secret about that to reveal. My teacher is none other than the vivacious Liliana of SpanishPod, and she’s a lot of fun!
SpanishPod is Praxis Language’s new website for learning Spanish. A while back they had one called SpanishSense that I wasn’t really involved in. Long story short, that one was a “learning experience.” Now I’m involved, and I’m happy to say that this time we are getting it right. We owe it mostly to the amazing new hosts: J.P. and Liliana.
J.P. is an awesome linguist (aren’t they all?) from Seattle who has done his time in the trenches (teaching Spanish in high school). He’s a fun guy with great fresh ideas about learning, and he’s even kind enough to help me with my thesis.
This SpanishPod promo was unpaid (unfortunately), but I’m doing it this time because SpanishPod is really good. Maybe it will one day be as cool as ChinesePod, with ninjas and Godzilla and alien abductions and everything. Check it out.
The SpanishPod Team: JP, Liliana, Leo, and Adri
(this is the coolest pose they could come up with)
[…] here’s a picture of ChinesePod’s own John Pasden, of Sinosplice fame. Of course, that’s not his kid. Hey John, that’s not your baby! Get your own […]
So John says “ok, now everybody touch your knees” and I was the only one not to fall for it.
I don’t have any embarrassing pictures of John, but I do have an adorable one of him holding a baby. Aw, you can almost hear his biological clock ticking…
Thanks for the SpanishPod endorsement!
That totally doesn’t even sound like something I would do.
It’s a pity I already know Spanish, because Liliana is HOT!
I like Spanish long long time ago, i would love to learn. But one thing is holding me back: i can’t roll my tongue, something that’s inevitable when speaking Spanish. Some people say it’s natural born, some people say it can be learned. So???? Any pointer?
With Spanish rolling your r’s is a luxury but not a necessity. Nobody will confuse you for a native speaker anyway, but they’ll be mighty impressed if you can speak it very well!
Kick-ass. Yet another distraction in my quest to learn Chinese.
Oh hey, going to have a look at Spanishpod gives me a free 15 day membership. That’s kind of cool, I wonder if I can master a language in 2 weeks?
Matt and Jeffrey,
Might as well give it a try, then!
The podcasts themselves are always free, anyway.
Cool, I will have to check that out. Despite taking Spanish in high school and visiting Spain twice I am not very good at it and could use some improvement before visiting a Spanish-speaking region again.
I’m visiting India in January and my Gujarati has deteriorated to the point where I can’t speak it well enough. I used to be fluent when I was really young, now I can understand it reasonably well, but my problem is with speaking. I wish I could find some good resources for Gujarati. There needs to be a GujaratiPod
Or a HindiPod.
I can’t remember, did you take French or Spanish in high school?
Spanish all the way!
My listening comprehension and reading are still pretty decent, but my speaking skills have really suffered.
Wonderful idea, and I hope the service is still around in four or five years–then I might give it a try (Chinese sure does take a long time to learn).
I’m wondering–why didn’t they call it “spanishpod” to begin with?
Because “pod” means “doesn’t go” in Spanish.
I started listening to a few of the Podcasts a few days ago (just for the heck of it, since Spanish is my native language anyhow). I found them very entertaining and a good way to learn the language.
Are there any plans for a FrenchPod or GermanPod? O.o
yeah, the language learning podcasts based on chinesepod learning model have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.
Here is another one (for french), which I find particularly well done. I even think that you guys at Chinisepod have something to learn from them, they manage to squeeze much more material in each lesson, they talk less before actually starting a lesson and overall impression is that they plan lessons more carefully.